Balance Safeguarding Statement
The purpose of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005 is to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all employees in the workplace. The Act applies to employers and employees and in all types of work and embraces all the activities of Balance Summer Camp.
The Act requires the employer to prepare a written Safety Statement describing the employer’s arrangements and the employees’ co-operation necessary to achieve this purpose.
Therefore, this document sets out the Safety Policies of the camp and specifies the means provided to achieve these policies. Our objective is to endeavour to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all of our employees and to meet our duties to the camp community.
Health & Safety Policy
It is the policy of the Committee to fully comply with the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the safety, health and welfare of all employees (and persons other than their employees) at our place of work.
In accordance with the general statement of the safety policy, the camp shall:
provide and maintain a safe place of work and safe systems of work,
provide safe means of access,
provide & maintain safe work equipment,
carry out risk assessments and implement control measures as required, our activities,
consult employees on matters of health and safety,
prepare & periodically review all camp policies and emergency plans,
provide and maintain adequate facilities.
Safety Responsibility
The Committee Shall:
Understand the main requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.
Ensure that the same management standards are applied to health and safety as to other management functions.
Ensure that all employees and contractors are competent for the tasks assigned them.
Ensure that all lost time injuries resulting from occupational accidents to staff which involve an absence of 3 days or more from the work place are promptly reported to the HSA.
Camp Co-ordinators - Responsibility for Health & Safety
The Co-ordinators are in overall control of the day to day running of the camp, overseeing all of the activities associated with the camp. In order to fulfil his/her responsibilities, the co-ordinators shall:
Understand the main requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005.
Ensure that competent persons are employed to assist the camp in carrying out their statutory responsibilities.
Review camps performance in the area of Health and Safety.
Ensure that responsibilities are correctly assigned within the camp.
Ensure that adequate resources are made available.
Ensure that employees are adequately trained and capable.
Review the effectiveness of the policy.
Set a good personal example.
All Members of Staff - Responsibility for Health & Safety
It is the responsibility of all staff members to:
Be familiar with the Camps Health and Safety Policies in so far as these are likely to affect their activities.
Be aware of the Camps fire evacuation procedures.
Know the emergency exits and the whereabouts of first aid boxes & Defibrillator and qualified first aid personnel.
Be aware of accident and emergency procedures.
Be certain that they are authorised, competent, and, if appropriate, qualified, to carry out activities where there is a potential danger to themselves, others, equipment, or the environment. If necessary they must seek the advice of more experienced or knowledgeable individuals.
Bring to the attention of the camp co-ordinator any unsafe conditions, unsafe work practices or hazards/risks, which are not dealt within safety statement.
Have a general duty of care to ensure that child protection arrangements are put in place to protect children.
Safety Representatives (Camp Co-ordinators)
It shall be the duty of the Camp Co Ordinator’s to:
Investigate accidents and dangerous occurrences.
Make oral or written representations to and receive advice and information from inspectors on matters of safety, health and welfare at work.
In circumstances in which a risk of personal injury exists, to investigate potential hazards and complaints made by any employee whom he represents.