During this unprecedented and difficult time, Balance Summer Camp are delighted to offer our Summer camp. More than ever, we aim to keep the safety and well-being of all our camp participants and staff the paramount concern in every decision we make. As a result, we have compiled a number of procedures and risk assessments to ensure that we meet/exceed all the guidelines and measures that have been put in place by the HSE and Government.
It is important at this point to highlight that our camp this year will look and feel very different to ones experienced in the past in order to ensure safety is maintained throughout. We remain determined to provide a fun and enjoyable camp, to ensure that there is a smile on every face at the end of each day. We have made every effort to reduce the risk of the possible spread of COVID-19 in our camp, however, the virus is still in Ireland, and by attending you accept that Balance cannot guarantee that your child will not contract the virus.
2. See the symptoms of Covid -19 below - Do not send your child to Balance Summer Camp if they are displaying any of these symptoms:
- High Temperature
- Shortness of Breath
- A cough
- Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
3. To reassure any concerns that you may have at this time, we wish to inform you of the following programme adjustments for Summer 2021:
3.1 Dates: 5th – 30th of July. We hope to run the camp for FOUR WEEKS this summer.
3.2 Reduced camp capacity: The quota of children per week is 20. We can only offer each child ONE WEEK of summer camp. Unfortunately, we not taking new participants this year.
3.3 Reduced group sizes: the number of children per group will be reduced and our camp staff will remain with the same group for the entire week. Groups will not inter-mix with other groups indoors. After a child is assigned to their specific group on the first day of camp, they will not be permitted to move to a different group unless they are outdoors.
3.4 Contactless drop off/collection: In order to protect parents, children and our staff we will be operating a contactless drop off system. In order to facilitate this, all payments must be made in full in advance of the camp start date. Payments can be made at the Balance Charity Shop. We will include staggered arrival times in which you may have to remain in your car until a staff member collects your child. You will receive information about this procedure in advance via text. You must stick to your allocated arrival time. Parents will not be permitted to enter our camp facilities at any time during the camp day unless previously arranged with a camp coordinator.
3.5 Every Balance Summer Camp participant and staff member will be required to complete an antigen test before entering the camp. Parents will be asked to give the children a nasal swab in their car. A camp coordinator will then collect your swab and run your test (15 mins). If your child gets a positive test, they will nota be permitted to enter the school.
3.6 Daily Activities: Our activity programme has been adapted in line with social distancing guidelines. We will try to keep the activities outdoors as much as possible and we will have no bus trips. All activities will be in held in the Ballincollig area.
3.7 Visible signage: Signage and posters will be displayed in all the necessary locations at each camp venue. This will provide guidelines and reminders on social distancing, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
3.8 Hand Hygiene and Sanitizer stations: Hand sanitizer will be provided in camp and will be used at regular intervals. If your child requires a specific type of hand sanitizer, please supply them with this. Soap will be readily available at hand washing stations/toilets, all children will be required to wash their hands before eating.
3.9 Enhanced Cleaning Routines: touch ‘hot spots’ such as door handles and hard surfaces will be cleaned regularly during each camp day. An extra staff member will be on site to complete regular cleaning/disinfecting of equipment after use.
4. Before camp, parents/ guardians should:
Seek medical advice if their child has any underlying health conditions before attending Camp.
Ensure to inform a coordinator if any relevant information contained in the application form, including the parent/guardians contact details, change from day to day.
Continue to monitor their child’s temperature before each day of camp.
Inform a Camp Coordinator of any change of their child’s temperature or health.
Ensure their child has washed their hands prior to arriving at camp.
Ensure their child has their own water bottle, lunch box, bag and coat, marked with the child’s name.
No person or child should attend camp if they are unwell, or members of their household are showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
5. If someone on camp is displaying symptoms of Covid-19:
Any camp participant or staff member who is displaying symptoms of Covid-19 prior to camp or outside of camp hours should not attend. If a staff member or child at camp is displaying symptoms, our staff will follow our swift procedure to ensure the safe isolation of the individual until it is possible for them to go home. Masks will be provided on site for any person who is displaying symptoms. Those affected will be advised to phone their GP and follow their GP's medical guidance. Balance Summer Camp will complete an incident report and comply with any HSE contact tracing requests.
6. In conclusion, we are fully aware that this has been a challenging and a confusing period for everyone and that getting life back to some form of normality is of huge benefit to us all. Of course, extra practices for health and safety are now necessary to keep us all safe and well, but we aim to integrate these practices into the fun, engaging and exciting experience that we will continue to deliver in our summer camp.
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding.
The Balance Team
Updated: 23rd of June 2021